Scouting is a charity, and great scouting requires sufficient funds.  Termly subs only cover a small proportion of our expenditure and so as a group we need to raise additional funds to purchase equipment, rent premises and so on; please help us raise money so that we can continue to offer a high quality Scouting experience.

Some of the easiest ways you can do this are by:

Gift Aid

We encourage all eligible parents to complete a gift aid form when their child joins.  This enables us to reclaim 25p from H M Revenue & Customs for every £1 that the parent pays in subs or donations to the group.

Glass, tetrapak and paper recycling

All these items can be recycled at the banks in the car park of Whitton Sports Centre, Whitton Church Lane, which are accessible at all times the Centre is open.  The group receive the income from these and last year benefited by over £600.

Perhaps you could collect recyclables from your neighbours too or encourage them to use these banks rather than blue bins?


With over 2,700 retailers listed is a great way to raise money for us by shopping online and doesn’t cost you a penny!  You can sign up to support us at

Other fundraising activities

The committee also organise other events throughout the year which couldn’t go ahead without the involvement and support of parents and children.   These are:

Please let us know if you can help out or have any new ideas!